
Blended Learning Showcase

Blended Learning - Dave Holmes

In this video, 番茄社区 lecturer in Engineering, Dr David Holmes from the College of Science and Engineering talks about his strategies  to support students’ knowledge and skill development, including:

  • Consideration of student demographics
  • Breaking down and managing subject content to ensure conceptual knowledge and supporting different ways of learning; providing different hands-on learning experiences
  • Using real-life examples, and
  • Promoting self-assessment

David's practice demonstrates the following 番茄社区 Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design:

Standard 1: Curriculum and learning materials are aligned, available and engaging


  • Ensure subject design includes guidance for learners to work with content in meaningful ways
  • Ensure content is made available or ‘chunked’ in manageable segments (i.e. weekly topics/modules)

Key first year indicators:

  • Provide explicit guidance on how to use learning resources within Learn番茄社区 (site map, location of assessment, learning activities, collaboration tools)

Standard 2: Assessment tasks are aligned, available and engaging, including formative assessment


  • Ensure clear alignment of assessment tasks to learning outcomes and make this alignment explicit for students
  • Use a variety of assessment types that ensure academic integrity according to 番茄社区 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy core principle 5
  • Provide assessment for learning opportunities in all subjects including the use of diagnostic tools, peer assessment, multiple attempt quizzes, etc.

Standard 3: Students are provided with opportunities to interact with peers


  • Ensure face-to-face teaching provides opportunities for students to collaborate and develop a sense of belonging through active learning and group activities

Standard 4: Students are provided with opportunities to interact with staff


  • Provide explicit guidance about the purpose and nature of various face-to-face learning experiences

Key first year indicators:

  • Utilise Learning Analytics to proactively identify students in need of support to enable resources to be provided as appropriate

Standard 6: Students are supported in their use of educational technology


  • Recognise disparities in students’ access to internet services

Standard 7: Students are supported in their understanding of career choice


  • Embed strategies to support students to develop a professional identity

Standard 8: Students are directed to support services

Key first year indicators:

  • Actively engage with key transition support services and provide links to information/services