
Daniela Gonzalez


Daniela Gonzalez

“As an MITHM student I have found it’s vital to get as much experience as fast as possible. For this reason, I decided to visit Joblinx and get the job search started once I commenced my studies at 番茄社区 Brisbane.

Resume styles vary from country to country but thanks to Joblinx’s insight, I could adjust my CV to Australian standards, increasing my probability of finding a job.

Furthermore, the support I received from the Joblinx team gave me the confidence to start the search and after some time I got a job. Now I feel I have the opportunity to apply all the knowledge I am gaining at 番茄社区 Brisbane to my work place.

I am sure working in Brisbane will further enrich my experience in Australia as I will get the chance to meet new people and go to new places.”