ࡱ> >@= bjbj 4&GbB 6JJJ^^^8<^++++++++$>-/9+J9+JJN+JJ++)|{*@n3)*d+0+)1f1${*1J{*9+9++1 : Procedure for Completing Risk Assessments_in the College of Science, Technology and Engineering Experiments, Practicals & Field Trips STEP 1: The STUDENT or STAFF member is required to fully describe the experiments or field trip they wish to undertake. Including. A list of procedures/methods and, if applicable, a diagram of the apparatus they want to use. A list of all chemicals and utilities to be used in the experiment. An SDS for each of the chemicals that will be used in the experiment. STEP 2: The STUDENT and SUPERVISOR or STAFF member is required to : Read the Risk Assessment Matrix_how to form which outlines the process used to define the risks in your activity. Fill in a first draft of the Matrix of risks and discuss the risks with your supervisor or laboratory technician. Fully complete the Risk Assessment_summary form noting the hazard types, risks, training and PPE requirements as well as activities. Examine and review the Risk Assessment_summary form together, and both sign the form once you are both satisfied with the content. The completed Risk Assessment_summary form must then be signed by the relevant Head of Discipline and the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Safety Advisor. Note: In the Risk Assessment matrix EXTREME risks and HIGH risks ARE NOT acceptable and control measures must be introduced or the experiment redesigned to reduce the risk. STEP 3: The STUDENT is required to Provide and make readily available near the experimental apparatus: the signed Risk Assessment_summary form and SDSs. These forms should be clearly visible and contained in a plastic sleeve to protect the forms. OR STEP 3: The STAFF member is required to Provide and make readily available to students copies of the Risk Assessment_summary form and provide clear guidance to the location of any relevant SDS forms. For example, these forms may be included in a prac book outlining the procedures. NB: The STUDENT or STAFF member cannot undertake or supervise experiments until the forms are completed and displayed appropriately.  It is not necessary to duplicate standard industry risk assessment forms such as JSAs. Once on an industry site please follow their relevant rules and regulations.  It is typical that a few drafts are required before the final form is acceptable.  This may be a computer with ChemWatch access or a folder including copies of the relevant SDS forms     Revised:  DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 19 January 2015 ,-_blny̿󨘋~k[J:h[1h&86OJQJ]^J!h[1h[16OJQJ\]^Jh[156OJQJ\]^J$h8;Bh8;B56OJQJ\]^Jh8;B6OJQJ]^Jh&86OJQJ]^Jh&856OJQJ\]^Jh&8OJQJ^Jh8;B5OJQJ\^JhE=$5OJQJ\^JhaOJQJ^Jhaha5OJQJ\^Jha5OJQJ\^Jh&85OJQJ\^J   n ? @ ) :  & Fgd,;h^h & Fgd & Fgd,; & Fgdhi & F & F & FgdRgda$a$gda   0 1 2 A C J     ! - 0 < = > ? @ reXXhnL6OJQJ]^Jh[16OJQJ]^J$h8;Bh8;B56OJQJ\]^Jh&856OJQJ\]^Jh8;Bh&85OJQJ\^JhROJQJ^Jh6OJQJ]^Jh8;B6OJQJ]^J%jha0J6OJQJU]^Jha6OJQJ]^Jh&86OJQJ]^Jh&8OJQJ^J@ I m 2 < = > B M O U Z [ \   6 7 9 H g h r 㦙ٳقxh^ٳT^^hOJQJ^Jh,;OJQJ^Jjh0JOJQJU^JhnLOJQJ^Jh( OJQJ^Jh,;h&8OJQJ^Jh,;h,;OJQJ^Jh,;h*OJQJ^J$hah,;56OJQJ\]^J$hah&856OJQJ\]^Jh&8OJQJ^J$hah*56OJQJ\]^Jh*OJQJ^J   ) 0 1 ; @ Q Y d #(*/{{pccch,;h,;OJQJ^Jh&8>*OJQJ^Jh&856OJQJ\]^Jh( 5OJQJ\^Jh( 5>*OJQJ\^Jh&85OJQJ\^Jh>OJQJ^Jh>h>5OJQJ^Jh&86OJQJ]^Jh( OJQJ^JhaOJQJ^Jh,;OJQJ^Jh&8OJQJ^J& GBgda & F 8^gdagd,;gdgda^ & F 8^gd,;h^hgd,;/45LT!#^aghoٶrrrbXh( OJQJ^Jjh0JOJQJU^Jh,;haOJQJ^JhaOJQJ^Jha56OJQJ\]^Jh,;6OJQJ]^Jh,;56OJQJ\]^Jh56OJQJ\]^J$hh,;56OJQJ\]^J$hh&856OJQJ\]^Jh,;OJQJ^Jh&8OJQJ^JCGHIABCDEiغ}}}}rcrcjh( h( CJUaJh( h( CJaJjh4Uh4h>mH sH hhGmH sH  hhGhahGmH sH hGmH sH hGjhG0JU'hh56;OJQJ\]^J'hh&856;OJQJ\]^Jh,;OJQJ^JhOJQJ^J&gdм'hh&856;OJQJ\]^Jh4hqh( h( CJaJjh( h( CJUaJhE=$CJaJmHnHu21h:p>. 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