
Barry Tse (PhD)

Barrt Tse.

PhD research project: The development and validation of a Buddhist religiosity scale using a combined emic and etic approach.

Barry’s research interest stems from his religious affiliation and background in psychological science. His master’s dissertation, presented at China’s 3rd National Mindfulness Academic Research Symposium in Beijing, deciphering the relationships between religiosity, mindfulness, self-efficacy, and their effects on subjective well-being amongst Buddhists in China, has led to his realization of the need to develop a Buddhist religiosity scale that can truly reflect the active ingredients of being a religious Buddhist. His PhD research will provide the Buddhist community with a scale developed through a culturally bound emic lens yet allow theoretical comparisons with frameworks commonly used to measure religiosity in monotheistic religions.

Barry is also an advocate for and a trainer of secular mindfulness with knowledge rooted in various Buddhist traditions and 30 years of meditation practice. He has completed a one-year foundational teacher training programme with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) to become a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) teacher. He has also received training to facilitate MBCT for Depression (MBCT-D) and Finding Peace in a Frantic World (FP). In addition, Barry also holds a Certificate for Mindfulness and Psychotherapy from the Boston-based Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP) affiliated with Harvard Medical School.

Before taking an interest in academic research, Barry was a marketing researcher studying consumer behaviours, branding, communications, and marketing for 27 years, living and working in Singapore, Hong Kong and China. He holds a degree in Business majoring in Tourism from Ballarat University (now Federation University Mount Helen campus), an MBA from the University of Queensland, and an MSc from the University of Liverpool.